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We care about your careers.
Our Ecare people



One of the best professionaI counselling and training centres in Sydney and MeIbourne.

ECARE CAREERS, previously known as ECARE ACCOUNTING, was established in 2013. We mainly cater to local and international students; especially those who are interested in the field of Accounting, Finance, Marketing, HR and IT. We offer professional services ranging from practical skills training for your profession, tutoring for qualifying examinations (CPA/CFA), local enterprise internship programs and one-on-one counselling for career planning.

We at ECARE firmly believe in our slogan of “Vision, Knowledge and Practice”. We pride ourselves in ensuring our students have extensive knowledge of their professional field, great practical skills and a comprehensive understanding of professional ethics. We strive to be the best in the job markets of Australia and New Zealand.

Currently, we have teaching facilities and offices in America's biggest city-New York, Australia’s biggest cities – Melbourne and Sydney. We have provided training for more than 4000 professionals; all of whom have had greater success in their careers and professions after completing their training with us.


Over the years, through efficient service and positive word-of-mouth, ECARE has built up its reputation to the point where we are now one of the most reputable brands in the market. We help transform students into high-quality candidates for the job market.



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Career Development Consultation

You Learn from Our Experience

There comes a point in nearly everyone’s professional life when we’re left wondering how exactly we are going to go forward – what our next big career move is going to be. This is especially true when we are just starting out in the real world, fresh out of university, apprehensive of what lies ahead. Well, with us, you won’t need to be nervous. ECARE has a lot of experience in dealing with career consulting and we offer students the opportunity to make use of our extensive knowledge through our Career Development Consultation service.


We will sit down with each student, one-on-one, and discuss their situation, what they want to be doing with regard to their career, what kind of development they are looking for, etc. We then create a unique career plan and development strategy for each student. This process helps students figure out what their career goals are, what problems they are likely to face and how to find solutions to those problems.



At first, the client will go through professional counselling with ECAREso that we understand their current condition and needs. We then analyse and sort out the strengths and weaknesses of our clients to find out what exactly the client needs our help with. The next step would be mapping their current state and the changes in their career path in order to determine the most suitable career plan.

Consult & Analyse

After creating a career plan for our clients, ECARE will find the solution that helps to best minimise weaknesses in the shortest possible time in order to bring out inner potential. This could effectively help our clients build a better skillset in a short time-span.

Improve & Upgrade

Recommend & Match

When the client has gone through the above steps, ECARE will match them with one of our host companies and introduce both sides to each other. This is to make sure that our client finds the company best suited to be the stepping stone in his or her career while, at the same time, the company solves their problem of being short-handed. This process allows the client and the company to grow together.

Accumulate & Complete

Earlier in the process, ECARE would have assisted the client in setting up short-term and long-term goals. We guide our client step-by-step; helping them accumulate experience and resources, accomplish targets before deadlines and realise the goals that were set.

Succeed & Restart

ECARE believes that success is an on-going process. Companies and individuals grow when they discover problems and try to solve them, perfecting the system in different stages and keep going on in this cycle. In this process, ECARE aims to be of great assistance to our clients, helping them grow and create more value.





Discover and Upgrade

We help you discover the endless possibilities available to you with regard to your career and carve out your inner potential. We then take it one step further by helping you upgrade your overall level of professionalism and professional ethics.

Nurture and Motivate

We nurture and motivate students and working professionals who have a sound theory basis, excellent practical experience and a comprehensive understanding of professional ethics. These clients are then directed to the career path best suited for them.

Structure and

We firmly believe that talent development is one of the core driving forces for improving the job market. Working with our clients, we help structure their future career development according to their personality and potential.

Provide and Support

We provide the opportunity for candidates to enter prestigious organisations and realise their full potential. We also support both parties by aiding with communication; making it easier for them to be clear about their needs.



Discover and Enhance

We help discover and nurture our clients’ potential and talents while enhancing their general ability, expert ability and professionalism. We aim to provide the best career development opportunity for each and every one of our clients.

Train and Place

We train those individuals who possess excellent theoretical knowledge, practical ability and work ethic; ensuring that they are placed in the role and organization most suited to them. We try to ensure that both the individual and organization benefit from the placement.

Structure and Plan

We help ensure the right kind of career development for each and every talented individual we work with, providing a career development plan that best suits their individual personality and potential.

Offer and Optimise

We provide the opportunity for students to get into great organisations so that they have the best possible chance of working their way up to their dream job. We also offer people of great quality and potential to organisations – ensuring that they receive personnel best suited to their company’s characteristics and industry requirements.



You learn from our experience

ECARE group’s core members are all highly qualified and experienced in their respective fields.
The ECARE teaching group consists of professionals from different industries, with varying specialisations who have worked in Fortune 500. Based on the experience they’ve gained over the years, they are able to analyse each client’s case from all angles and identify their strengths and weaknesses. They use their analyses to fix any problems and bring out the client’s full potential.




Bigger the city, bigger the dream

ECARE’s office in Sydney is located on the 6th floor of 303 Pitt Street, at the cross-section of Sydney CBD’s Town Hall and Pitt Street. This is the busiest trading and shopping area, close to Darling Harbour ICC and the largest retail shopping centre – Pitt Street Mall. It is also close to the city’s main commuting line – Town Hall Railway Station.



In the heart of the city’s Central Business District (CBD)

ECARE’s Melbourne office is located on the 2nd floor of the McPherson’s Building (546 Collins Street). We are surrounded by banks and financial institutions and are very close to Southern Cross Station. Our buildingfaces the main offices of the biggest news agency in Australia – Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), as well as one of the ‘big four’ accounting firms – KPMG.



With us,
your dreams become reality.

Begin your career with us

ECARE has an extremely professional administration and teaching team; we keep in touch with the top-tier companies in different fields. By nurturing talent that would be beneficial in market and society growth we help our brand grow along with our clients.


We offer professionals who are interested in taking on a challenge lucrative pay and an excellent working environment.

We are a family that keeps growing

ECARE has maintained a stable positive growth and has earned a lot of appreciation from both society and other companies.


Through ECARE, more than 8000 people have managed to kick-start their career. Now spread out over America, Canada, Australia and China, a majority of them are working at the best firms in their industries. We count them as members of our family and keep in touch via the E-HUB.


The E-HUB welcomes new members to join and witness growth along with us.

Let us march towards success

ECARE does more than simply provide service to students and companies; we aim to ensure growth in ourselves, in the talent in the job market as well as in our partnering companies. We have officially launched the career partner program and hope to create a platform for valuable, trusted and talented people through connection and better cooperation with other companies.


In this competitive market, only being more efficient in discovering talent and training them can we hold our position as a leader.

Find a job opportunity >

Join E-Hub >

Be a career partner >

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+61 3 9939 4134

or contact us now






TAS&NT Southern Aus

Find us on WeChat!

Suite 1405, Level 14, 109 Pitt St,

Sydney, NSW, 2000, Australia

+61 2 8068 3982


Suite 204, Level 2, 546 Collins St,

Melbourne, VIC, 3000, Australia


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