The future can be daunting.
There comes a point in nearly everyone’s professional life when we’re left wondering how exactly we are going to go forward – what our next big career move is going to be and how we’re going to make it happen.
• Our skills need to be honed – we may need help learning how to better manage our time, or how to present ourselves properly during interviews.
• Career development at our current workplace might be slow due to growing demands from the company, redundancy of your tasks or treatment by our colleagues.
• Our current work-life balance and quality of life might be poor and we’re looking to change the direction of our careers.
It’s important, during times like these, to clearly define our career development goals.


Professional and Reliable
Experienced Team
The ECARE consulting team is comprised of experienced career development specialists and talent training specialists who have more than 10 years of experience in human resource management and talent development planning.
ECARE consulting team members have a strong industry background with many years of local American experience. As a majority of them were international students at one point as well, they are able to connect with each student and provide effective and efficient service and support.

Efficient, High-Quality Service
Personal Touch
ECARE has a wealth of industry resources and keeps itself updated on employment news through its wide network of companies. A one-stop support centre, we provide services ranging from consulting and recruitment to problem-solving in a timely and efficient manner.
The ECARE consulting team carefully studies each case, and after the consultation session, we send an exclusive advisory report along with a full set of suggestions and recommendations on what direction our candidates’ career path should take. In the following three months, we take the initiative to set up follow-up visits and provide support in order to ensure that our service has been effective.

Job Search
Personal status and actual needs analysis
Industry and Career Development Prospects
1 to 1 interview counselling
1 to 1 resume
optimization advice and counselling

Career Planning and Management
Career development planning
Analysis and Forecast of Career Development Trend
Determine the direction of personal development
Goal establishment and management

Competition and Promotion
Current working state analysis and evaluation
Competitive environment analysis
Competitor analysis
Potential promotion opportunities and limitations

Improve Employment Skills
Current Skills Analysis and Assessment
Analysis and Assessment of Potential Skill Requirement
The establishment and maintenance of core competence
Business social and communication skills

Career Opportunities
Job search skills
Internal recruitment
Analysis and Forecast of the Development Prospect Overseas
Internship and experience accumulation
Take your career to the next level!
If have any questions about our consulting service please call +61 3 9939 4134

April LI
Management Accountant,
Mantra Group
Consulting Service: Career Planning and Management
Industry: Hospitality
Consulting Date: 2013 - 2016

Thanks to ECARE, I was able to understand how to properly view my career development problems. They taught me that there was no right or wrong answer, the key is to make the decision that takes you forward in line with your long-term development goals. I will continue to work hard and sincerely wish ECARE well in helping more confused and hesitant students like me.